Friday, 24 February 2012

Questionnaire results

I printed out 20 copies of my music magazine questionnaire and distributed them to people in sixth form, including teachers and my family to vary my results. I think the seven questions I conducted helped me consider what attracts people of different age groups to specific music magazines.  

The first question I asked was the gender of the person filling out the questionnaire; I thought this was important as it may affect the type of music magazine brought. Although, I believe women more commonly buy magazine I asked more men as I wanted to know what attracted them specially to buy a magazine. For women, I think it’s obvious, they are mainly attracted to celebrity gossip, fashion, and pop bands.

My second question asked what age group they belonged to, this would help me discover the target audience of magazines; for example, it shows that more 17-20 year olds filled out the magazine which could represent that specific age group is more likely to buy magazines than any other. However, as I handed the questionnaire around sixth form this could be why there are more people of that age group filled out the questionnaire therefore, next time I will ask some of the lower school to fill out the survey to get a different range of answers.

I thought that because my questionnaire was specifically to gather information about music magazines, the most important question was the genre of music the audience listen to. My results show that the most popular genre of music was pop as 7 people voted for this; most of these were women though. I found that the male audience went for either Rock or Indie or sometimes both placing them both 2nd popular choices. This could also relate to the target audience as I asked students between the ages of 17-20 year olds and I believe, usually indie/pop music is aimed at students who enjoy bands and listening to live music.
My fourth question asked was whether people currently purchased music magazines, 18 people replied yes and only 2 answered no. This is a promising result as it shows how popular music magazines are and interestingly, it was 2 females 25+ which said no. I think this is because maybe women of that ages are usually interested in celebrities, fashion and health magazines than music. Also, I believe that music magazines are more attract the male target audience more as they tend to engage with bands and other music competitions.

The next question was how often do people purchase a music magazine, this would allow me to see if people purchased magazines continuously or hardly ever. As most music magazine only come out once a moth is was hardly surprising that the largest amount (6) brought it once a month. Also some magazines come out weekly which represents the 2nd most popular choice. I believe the price of the magazine could also affect how often they buy that particular brand, for example, if the magazine was expensive students may save up to buy the copy once a month.

To find out what attracted people to buying the magazine, I asked what they liked to see in the issue. With the choice of gig reviews, gossip, competitions, new music, photo shoots, posters and advertisements; I found that the most popular was a tie between new music and gig reviews. With the women target audience mainly voting for posters and photo shoots.

The average price people are willing to pay for a music magazine is important as the magazine would want to attract the target audience by beating competitive pricing. My results show that most people would pay between £2-2.99 (this is the price of magazine such as Kerrang, NME and Q) this is fairly cheap to attract buyers.

Overall, I believe the questionnaire helped me conduct information about what influence people to buy magazine, which is helpful for me in the future if I wanted to produce a magazine aimed at different target audience. 

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